Writing from Down Under

Alas, I am not in Australia. I've spent most of today peeking out from down under my blanket. Being sick is the worst way to stifle creativity, but I had to finish an academic paper. That's when habits of organization save the day. Clinging to my outline and my file of research, I muddled forward, slowly.

Writing while sick is generally counter productive. When facing down a deadline, you need to rely on practiced techniques to get the job done. Those may not be your most stunning words, but they can be adequate. Don't count on your ability to self-edit when it's all you can do to write. Get help from another competent writer who can do the overview edit for you. My writer-friend complimented some profound ideas in my paper. Maybe next week when I feel normal I'll re-read it and be amazed. For now, I'm thankful it's done and I can crawl back under the covers.

iPhone for Writers

 My first iPhone is as exhilarating as getting my first car. Beyond the coolness factor are amazing apps that are useful in writing and coaching. This phone replaces several old standbys useful for blogging and other writing. I can record sudden inspirations on my iPhone "Voice Memos". It even has a classic old microphone and VU meter, reminiscent of my years in radio news.

Also amazing is the ability to instantly post on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn from my iPhone eliminating another random note in my calendar that may be forgotten.

The iPhone camera is surprisingly excellent. I can take photos on the spot to add to my blog or social networking sites. This camera also takes video, which I discovered by accident.

There are apps with basic dictionary, thesaurus and other reference books. Looking for free wifi for laptop or netbook? I can easily find those locations anywhere in the US with WiFi Get Lite app. I used this app to find free wifi near a hotel in Indianapolis where I'm participating in a confernece. Why pay $12.95 daily hotel wifi rates, when a short walk gets free internet. If I'm lucky, it's only a few blocks to Starbucks where I get free internet plus my favorite latte. Finding free internet sites for the traveling writer is a money saver.

Since acquiring this long awaited electronic wonder phone, I am iHappy.

Critics can be wrong

Critics said the iPad was destined to fail. Who wanted a tablet instead of a computer? Answer: 3 million buyers in the first quarter it was sold. Apple's iPad radically changed the perceptions of mobile computing. Critics and end users don't always think alike.

The moral of this story for writers is that the critics, contest judges, agents and acquisition editors are not always right about your work. While these professional voices are valuable and need to be considered, look for the end-user (audience) for your product and deliver what they want.

If you can't break into traditional publishing, so what. Look at other options to reach your audience. E-Books, e-Publishing and blogs are the quick way to find and engage your audience. If you have a narrow target audience, even better, because it's easier to identify places they frequent online.

Remember when vampire and zombie stories were relegated to the bottom shelves for the quirky few. Now they are trendy and reach a wide audience who previously cared nothing about the underworld or it's inhabitants. Yes, the critics can be wrong, but the paying market never is.