Are you loyal to your writing?

"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Does Robert Heinlein's comment describe your writing routine? How much of that "daily trivia" is electronic lure? The temptation of instant information is strong and can steal from productive writing time.

As a clinical psychotherapist, I suggest to you that the availability of instant information sends writers into a spiral of obsession. You can become so obsessed with having all the information, the most current information, the hottest information, etc. that we don't finish the writing project. With the speed of content development today, don't bother to be current. In the time it takes to write, the material is out of date. So what can you do? Start by putting aside the obsession and focus on the product.

Will you know everything about an issue? Of course not. What you do have to offer is your unique perspective which no one else has. Start your day by writing for thirty minutes without click on email, RSS feeds, search engines, Facebook, Twitter or anything else. Treat your computer like an old fashioned word processor where YOUR WORDS are the focus. Attempt to extend that time up to an hour without plugging back into the usual electronic distractions. 

Break the "strange loyalty" to trivia and be loyal to your writing. The results will set your creative brain free so your muse is inside your head (where it belongs) not on flashing screen.

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