Writer's Electronic Assistant

For the price of a latte, I get a month of 24/7 service from Jott, my electronic assistant. When random ideas hit, I press my Bluetooth and say: “Call Jott”.  I can leave a reminders, message to a group or forward a Tweet from ANY phone, not just a smart phone.

When driving or riding my bicycle, I see or hear something that triggers an idea and I capture that thought instantly using Jott. When I return to my office, I have an email from Jott with my message transcribed. How good is that?  Or I can leave the same message for a predefined group of people.

Frankly, I’m a basic Jott user. There are many other applications for Jott to connect with Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft Outlook and sophisticated business or accounting programs. I’m satisfied to let Jott replace scratching notes on coupons or paper sacks that are easily lost.

Efficiency is important for me as a writer, professor and health coach. I have to keep my tasks moving and avoid missing the next great idea. For a free month use of Jott to see how it can be the write twist for you, start here. Another writer told me about Jott when it was still in testing phase and I’ve been a devoted user since.

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