When Writers Fall Off the Chart

 Alas, into each writer's life, stuff happens. Not all bad stuff. Its the stuff of making a living and dealing with what comes your way. No excuses here, just a reality check of why this blog bogged. 
Did I stop writing? Not at all. I have written zillions of words, in mostly academic articles and book chapters which is my profession (Counselor Educator for a graduate program).  So now with a bit of chagrin, I return.

When you fall off the chart, how do you recharge your writing mode? Here's an easy tip: Review your files both completed works and outlines yet to become what they could be. Do you deliver conference presentations or trainings?  There is more material on which you can rewrite, expand or update.

Here's another benefit to digging into your printed or computer writing files - its a reminder of your creativity! Yes, you have ideas; some need polish, some are good and frankly, some are great. But how will we know if this work never leaves your hard drive? I am preaching to myself here but feel free to receive it as well.

My motivation to dig into the many files of writing was to clear, sort and decide what to save before transferring to my new Big Mac (Apple Desktop with blazing fast M1 chip). Ideally this process needs to happen annually - like my New Year's Day reminder to check batteries in the smoke detectors. Like many educators and others who work online, at the end of the day I am ready to flee the screen. So I need to return to making an appointment with myself to review files at least quarterly.

Are you busy? So am I. However writing is a habit, like exercise. It may seem hard to get started but with persistence it becomes your new, positive, energizing habit!  So refill your coffee, tea or water and lets get started!