Every end leads to a beginning

The best books are those that ruin my sleep. Thrillers are the worse offenders. That building pressure to find out what happens in a rush to the end leaves me temporarily satisfied, then sad that the adventure is over. Every end leads to a beginning; on to the next book.
Nothing made me happier than to hear from fans of Taylor Kendall: Evil Inc who chastised me for keeping them up too late reading. That's my measure of a stunning book experience. Anything written by Robin Cook does that for me. Whose writing does that for you?
Conventional writing wisdom says "write what you know" and that is true. To that I would add, "write what you love to read".  The genre that captures your imagination, tickles your fancy and thrills down to your toe nails is the type of work that is tailor made for you to write. So get busy, write what you love.
I can't promise that the money will follow but the joy of creativity will flow over you in abundance.