To motivate your Write Brain - move your body

Writers can spend hours sitting in front of the computer. The concentration is so intense that you forget an unseen element of your success - your brain. Brain cells work better when your entire body takes time to move. Exercise is an important partner in for your writing success. Walking is an easy way to fit 30 minutes of exercise into even a busy workday or writing schedule.
Start by setting your clock ahead 18 minutes. Before going to bed, lay out comfortable shorts and tee with walking shoes and socks beside your bed. In 3 minutes, you can sit on the side of the bed and change into walking clothes. Then get a drink of water on the way out and you can be on the road in 3 minutes. Remember to clip the pedometer to your clothing and reset for a new day.
Start by walking 15 minutes in an area near your home. If it’s still dark, wear reflective tape on your shoes and reflective clothing. When you return from this brisk walk, go right to the shower and prepare to dress for work.
Transfer the pedometer worn during the morning walk to your work clothes. See how many steps you take during work hours. Make the effort to add to that count by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther away from the office and walking down the hall to deliver a memo instead of tossing it into inter-office mail slot.
After work, you want to get home and unwind. Decide if you prefer to take another 15 minute walk before dinner or after dinner. If you walk after dinner, allow at least an hour for your food to digest before walking. 
Without any fanfare, you can add 30 minutes of aerobic walking to your day. Not only is this important for your heart health but it’s ideal for kicking the fat burning stage to a higher level. As a bonus, your brain cells get more oxygen and feel refreshed from the exercise break.
 P.S. That's me about a local race. As a race walker I enjoy the event without harming my knees.

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