How does coffee sell more books?

If coffee motivates book buyers, then I want my books printed on coffee scented paper! Internet Psychologist Graham Jones says studies show drinking coffee lowers resistance and causes people to buy more books. No wonder coffee shops inside bookstores are popular!

My fav - Starbucks Pumpkin Spice
Conversely the lack of controlling coffee drinking is a negative for online book sellers. The online world is screen limited, without the ability to control sights, smells, displays and other clever ways that retailers turn lookers into buyers. If you want a great example of this visit IKEA stores. On the way out as you approach the check-out stands you are enveloped in the scent of cinnamon buns. Guess what - - - those hot pastries are right there to get one more dollar or two out of your wallet.

Perhaps there is an option - - - a discount based on amount of caffeine intake prior to purchase. That's hard to monitor. What about using a photo of steamy, cream topped latte as the "buy" button?

Assuming Jones is correct, make sure to bring coffee to a meeting with an agent or publisher's representative. . . and make it a Venti with extra shots.

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