The Write Gear - Basics

Gathering the "write gear" is necessary for your creative cocoon. Whether you have the luxury of a home office or work from a corner of the dining room table, a serious writer needs the essentials. Charming as an old Remington typewriter is, save it for photo props and get the best computer you can afford.

Not to get into a debate of iPad v. Netbook or Netbook v. Desktop; it's a matter of choice and money. Personally, I recommend a Netbook or laptop computer so you have the flexibility to work anywhere. There is the additional advantage of getting out of the house and working a few hours at Starbucks, Barnes & Noble or the local library.

Add SKYPE to your computer. This free calling system allows you to talk free from computer-to-computer and for pennies to people with land-phones or cell phones. Save the more expensive minutes on your cell phone plan and use SKYPE for research or interviews. You will need a headset with microphone. Headsets with USB cables tend to have better sound quality than the double plug type.

Choose a filing system and stick with it. Do not make piles, boxes or other random stacks. If you have to hunt for information, you risk breaking the creative flow.

Get a comfortable chair and a wrist rest. It's worth getting the best ergonomic office gear you can find. Carpal tunnel surgery is more expensive so do what you can to prevent problems.

Choose your favorite comforts for your work area. For example,  I work primarily from a home office with my feathered assistants; Par, Mr. Checkers and Cielo. They sit on my shoulders and sing to me. You may prefer a CD player for background music. My other essential "write gear" is my fuzzy leopard slippers.

Writing is a creative process best done in an environment that each writer finds comfortable and efficient.

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