Freedom to Write

Celebrating July 4th, Independence Day, also means that we have the freedom to express ourselves as writers. We can write political commentary or political satire.  We can discuss our personal religious beliefs openly within our writing. Anyone can add his or her opinions in letters to the editor for newspapers as well as online news sites. That does not even count the many social networking opportunities that allow freedom of expression.

Keep in mind that in other parts of the world, some commonly used Internet Search Engines are not able to show the same information that the we can see in the United States. Social networking sites deemed "too risky" are restricted as well.

Yes, this occurs in the 21st Century because the information age cannot touch places where information is controlled by the government. So if you are a writer who is complaining about our government, go ahead and give a fair, honest and accurate opinion. Then breathe a "thank you" to our forefathers and all the brave men and women in our military who won and maintain our right to write.

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